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Encounter with Light
A Severe Mercy
Davy's Edition
Gateway to Heaven
Under the Mercy
The Glittering Illusion
Mercies: Collected Poems
The Little Lost Marion

The Little Lost Marion 

"A Severe Mercy has been read and loved by hundreds of thousands.  Now Sheldon Vanauken fills in the gaps with the untold tale of Marion, the daughter of his wife, Davy.  He describes the construction of Grey Goose and carefree sailing with Davy.  He relives his decision for Christ and the Catholic Church.  And in stories, essays, and poems he wrestles with current political and moral issues." From the back cover of The Little Lost Marion and Other Mercies

In one of his letters to me Van described the arrival of Little Lost Marion and his first sight of the completed book:

"On the 6th of this month came Hurricane Fran--a night of stormy wind and heavy rain, waking without electricity, reading with an oil lamp, cold breakfast, wind, rain.  By about 2 the wind died, but still no lights.  Then as evening approached and I was about to light the oil lamp, there was a knock at the door.  I went, a UPS parcel.  The first copy of my book The Little Lost Marion & Other Mercies or LLM from Franciscan University Press.  I looked at it in the dimness, thinking what a pity--no lights: and they soundlessly flashed on.  Beautifully timed! . . . A handsome, quality paperback, with Davy's painting on the cover.  Grey Goose."

Click on this link to read a review by Jack Taylor:

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Will Vaus

P. O. Box 233

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